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Exile: Loren / Beto Cravioto

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Exile: Loren / Beto Cravioto
Event Information
BNCC, Myrtle Ave Brooklyn
From : Sunday, 08 October 2017 22:00
Until : Monday, 09 October 2017 04:00
Seats available:
Unlimited seats
Event Creator:

Event Details

Loren, Beto Cravioto, Rabia Khan, Otavio Lemos

*ringggggggg**** ☎️☎️☎️☎️☎️

~new phone who dis??~

well h@110 strangers, it's been awhile... 

s'all good if u forgot about us cos we kinda did too 

((or maybe we just got too lit ))

but heyhey guess what? we're back --and when we say we're back we mean the entire fam 

we got Octavio and Rabia who both //slay//
we got Bubba who sets those funkay vibes 
+extended fam Beto with those weird sounds 

(and there's always rob or whatever. i think he got new glasses? maybe?)

I know what ur thinking: 
Ah so what half these knuckleheads play at bossa all the time but... 

we've also invited a guest from Detroit, Loren, who we promise will beat ur sweaty ass down into the dance floor and wipe that shit all over


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ClubbersGuideNewYork.com is dedicated to techno and electronic music. For booking inquiries, contact Fiona