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Written by CGNY   
Saturday, 08 May 2010 16:41

An interview with Alex Neri... by Noel Blackmore

An interview with Alex Neri

For futher information and track previews check out the following...


Noely B : Hey Alex, thank you for giving us some of your time.

So Alex, your DJ'ing career started in your fathers club, how old were you ? What tracks we're you playing back then?

Alex : I started when i was 13...lots of different sounds...

Noely B : Do you think you would have become a DJ if you didn?t have this great opportunity ?

Alex : I think I would have become a dj, but maybe I would have started later, not so young...growing up with my father's influence (he was a dj too!), gave me the chance to start so young!

Noely B : How did you make your way onto the main DJ circuit ? Was it an easy road ?

Alex : I wouldn't say it was an easy road, but I can say that I always afford life with a positive attitude, and for me it was such a joy to have the luck to make the work i'd dreamed of, this helped me make it.

Noely B : You are a major part of Planet Funk, has funk always been your inspiration or what genre kicked started your career ?

Alex : let's say that I grew up with funk, as my father played and listened to it mainly, meanwhile i experienced afro and rock too...

Noely B : You have a studio in Florence, does your beautiful setting play a major roll in you productions ?

Alex : of course! we (my partners at tenax , marco baroni and I) have been searching long before choosing our studios...the site is amazing and the river Arno just under our windows gives us great scenary and unbelieveble energy everyday.

Noely B : What do you have in store for your Irish fan base when you play Andrews Lane Theatre in December ?

Alex : Surpirse!!!! but you'll listen to my set which is 90% my productions...

Noely B : And finally Alex... any up & coming DJ you think we should keep an eye on ?

Alex : I focus on some new Italians names...Federico Grazzini, my partner in most of latest productions , Luca Bacchetti, one of the most appreciated italian djs and producers of the last two years..just to name two.


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